Lydinstallasjon Museet for Samtidskunst (DK) 2005. Kurs/workshops i m.a. Tokyo, Praha, Riga, New York. Roskilde Festival (Spoken Word Scene, 2004) . Studioproduksjon i samarbeid med lydkunstneren, komponisten og konseptualisten Charles Morrow i hans studio New York 2006. Samarbeid med den skarpskodde lydfyren Gjøran Skuggimaðr (Proteque).
(Opptaksutstyr: 1 stk Zoom H5 Handy Recorder. 1 stk Røde Rodecaster Duo. 1 stk Zoom F2 32 bit float field recorder. 1 stk Tascam DR-60DMK2. Mikrofonar: 1 stk Røde Reporter. 2 stk Røde Podcaster. 2 stk Magneto Electronics. 2 stk (stand alone) Instamic. 1 stk Røde Lavalier II. 1 stk undervannsmikrofon (hydrophone). Headset: 2 stk Sennheiser. Fotodokumentasjon: Ricoh GR IIIx. Fujifilm X100S).
Utdrag frå anmeldelse Seismograf/Nordscen, «Lecture and Performance Museum of Contemporary Art and the North Censorship (Nordic Center for Performing Art) in connection with the project Sounds Voice – DADAILYlife»:
Øystein Hauge seizes, with his contribution to DADAILYlife, dadaism in a different way than Sydow and Bukdahl. He plays on a surprise effect by gradually building a regular structure in his text, to later deviate from the structure’s own norm: a series of rhetorical questions in the form of a choice between two options, answered («Kama Sutra or Finnish films? Kama Sutra»), and then question No. 11 are not answered with one of the two options, as the previous 10 times, are the attention of the 10 («Tolstoy or Gandhi? They were penpals!”). Again, on the 12th question, one is surprised, as the answer is a ‘both and’. Then Hauge lulls us again into a rhythm and later deviates from the logic of the structure again. The reallyths of Hauge’s Modern interview are just like an audio wallpaper, while in the New Da Danish dictionary they are composed in and are in dynamic interaction with the text.
Øystein Hauge: Modern Interview [Reallying from café environment as underlay from start to finish]
Sound art must of course be heard and not read. Read more at about DADAILYlife, about the participants in the project, about dadaism, about how to make your own project, and much more.
More info: Museum of Contemporary Art Nordic and Center for Performing Arts